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23rd Feb 2022 by Travis Mitchell
Episode 31: In recent weeks we have been collating your constructive comments from our social media posts. Let's mythbust these views!
"Using MOT Manager takes away the personal touch I have with my customers" - Wrong. The system is completed branded from your garage and supplies a ton of features to keep in touch with your customers. Send them regular text updates and automatically queue MOT and service reminders.
"What a load of digital BS" - this is the fear of technology. They don't understand the system and oftern dismiss it. It is our job to manage this process for you. It will absolutely help your business.
"All our customers are older, this system will not work" - Not the case. You will find the older generation had to embrace more technology during Covid lockdowns as this was the only method of communication. Video calls and online shopping being placed at the top of the list. MOT Manager offers everyone an MOT text reminder. Easily read with two ways of booking their vehicle in with ease.
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