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1st Jun 2023 by Travis Mitchell
Episode 96: Pretty much every garage we have visited, kindly offer us a coffee followed by "Let me try and find you a clean mug" ... Not anymore. You can win a new (and clean) MOT Manager mug, but we need to see your dirtiest mug first!
New MOT Manager merch has landed and we would like to give some away! For a chance to win, we want to see a photo of the dirtiest mug in your garage and who it belongs to. Someone who NEVER washes their mug and has used it every day for months and months. We know there is someone out there!
To win: head to www.facebook.com/motmanager.co.uk and post it in the comments of this video. Then keep an eye out for the following week's episode to see who has won!
We'll happily put you in touch with a garage nearby to chat about MOT Manager on a personal level. It all starts with a phone call demonstration. Please spare 15 minutes of your time. Let's get started ✅
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