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3rd May 2023 by Travis Mitchell
Episode 92: Taking a few seconds to input a customer correctly could help your garage business move forward. This is quicker than writing in a paper diary.
We've all been there...you forget to call back a customer or you forget to order a part. We're human after all! Taking these few steps can help your garage move forward in moments like this. It takes 10 seconds to input a new customer MOT Manager. Reg, name and mobile number. That is it! From taking that 10 seconds to input more efficiently, you have automated their MOT & Service reminders, the diary has allocated a place on the ramp and the system can even text the customer when you are finished with their vehicle. A handy free text message to ask them to collect their car. IT'S ALL AUTOMATED. The benefits are huge from just taking 10 seconds to input a reg and mobile number.
We'll happily put you in touch with a garage nearby to chat about MOT Manager on a personal level. It all starts with a phone call demonstration. Please spare 15 minutes of your time. Let's get started ✅
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