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13th Apr 2023 by Travis Mitchell
Episode 89: It has made the rounds again, will the Department for Transport change the annual MOT test to every two years?
Travis is in the hot seat this week looking after the show for Chris. Every few years or so, rumours spark conversation about changing the MOT test to every two years. The main reason for this is due to the cost-of-living crisis. The average MOT test is £40. That's £40 per year to make sure your vehicle is roadworthy and legal. Really it's a small amount of money to pay. The RAC's latest data shows that around 7.3 million vehicles fail their MOT each year. Imagine leaving this test to every two years. As a garage owner, what are your thoughts on this?
If the MOT test did change to every two years...How can MOT Manager help with potentially dangerous MOT advisory work? You can schedule a text message a few months after their MOT to follow up with tyres, brakes or general service work. Peace of mind for the motorists that they will not forget and the garage can recoup another customer back through their doors.
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