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2nd Sep 2022 by Travis Mitchell
Episode 60: We hope the word "MOT" in MOT Manager doesn't put off non-MOT garages from getting in touch with us. We explain more in this week's episode.
You don't need to carry out MOTs to use MOT Manager. Testing off-site isn't relevant as your customers will still bring their vehicles directly to you. It doesn't matter if the vehicle is off somewhere else as you still gain any MOT repair work plus the servicing. MOT Manager has 100 non-MOT garages using the system and love it!
Do you sell cars? Dealerships may offer MOT & Servicing plans and MOT Manager is a fantastic automated tool to keep in touch with the customers via reminders. The reason why car sales businesses may want to invest in our system is due to the fact it brings them back to the forecourt which encourages new vehicle sales.
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