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3rd Oct 2018 by Travis Mitchell
We speak to garages on a daily basis offering a free software demonstration of MOT Manager. We simply ask, "Do you send out reminders to your customers"? Many answer either "yes we send out letters" or the "DVSA supply a free service". The DVSA revealed last week they have 1 million active subscribers which although is great news for the consumer, is not beneficial to the garage itself, here's why.
If you use the DVSA service, this the exact text customers will receive:
By submitting their details, the consumer will only receive a generic text message. Since the reminder does not include your garage details, your consumers will either:
Sharing is caring but you could be passing your potential consumers over to other garages in the area.
MOT Manager is the only system which can benefit every customer whether having an MOT or not. You can benefit from MOT Manager instantly. Our cloud-based system can be used on all major operating systems, Windows, Mac, iOS or Android etc. To find out more and claim your free 7 day trail telephone Travis on 03333 444 989.