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31st Aug 2023 by Travis Mitchell
Episode 105: What's stopping you from getting started with MOT Manager? This week, Chris talks about two customer case studies that have the same resistance.
Often garage owners are stuck in the middle when thinking about taking on MOT Manager, but once they do, you'll hear the positive news that they wish they started sooner. Chris talks about a garage owned by two brothers and one of them was stuck in his ways with a paper diary and wouldn't let go of the reins. Once the resistance guard had been let down he started to see instantly the results with the MOT Manager system.
Don't feel like you are all on your own. We provide full training and ongoing technical support every day you are open.
We'll happily put you in touch with a garage nearby to chat about MOT Manager on a personal level. It all starts with a phone call demonstration. Please spare 15 minutes of your time. Let's get started ✅
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