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28th Jun 2023 by Travis Mitchell
Episode 99: As part of the onboarding process, you receive full training for EVERY staff member at your garage. You are not left in the dark!
Here's the timeline for getting started with MOT Manager. Once the agreement is signed and we have set a fixed monthly fee for unlimited usage, our technical team will give you a call to arrange a training session. This can be with yourself or the entire team separately, whatever is more suitable for your business hours. This can be the same day or the next working day. We want to get you started immediately so you can see the results from the system instantly. Going forward you always have technical support included. No extra fees. Just simply pick up the phone and speak to a human.
We'll happily put you in touch with a garage nearby to chat about MOT Manager on a personal level. It all starts with a phone call demonstration. Please spare 15 minutes of your time. Let's get started ✅
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